Integration of Akeneo v.1 into the Snow Queen infrastructure

Integration of Akeneo v.1 into the Snow Queen infrastructure

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Product categories

The dynamics of changing seasons of the Snow Queen's product collections needed to constantly update the “Main Product Category” and then move to the “Outlet” category.

As a standard, PIM allows you to change only the category of one specific product.

PIM improvements have made it possible to add, transfer and delete products to specific categories. Thus, the next change of season began to take place much faster.

rus: Akeneo PIM Категории товаров

Product category statuses

PIM does not normally support displaying category status.

Our developers have introduced the ability to manage the status of categories whose data goes directly to Magento.

The customer wanted PIM to be able to display the visibility of the status of the product category, with the ability to change it.

rus: Akeneo PIM Статусы категорий товаров

Compliance tables

The customer used KAIS for internal use of product information. This system complicated the process of editing information, as it displayed data in a technical language.

When integrating KAIS data with PIM, our developers added an algorithm that made it possible to translate the numerical and alphabetical designation of articles into an understandable language for an online store.

rus: Akeneo PIM Таблицы соответствия

Product associations

Integrating an online store with PIM helped one product connect to products in other categories.

Thus, the Look product category contributed to the sale of not one, but several products at once.

rus: Akeneo PIM Ассоциации товаров

Site photo content

PIM usually allows you to upload a single photo.

Our developers have made it possible to bulk upload and download photos for further processing, as well as specify in PIM which product photo will be the main one on the site and which will be displayed when you hover over the cursor.

rus: Akeneo PIM Фотоконтент сайта
rus: Akeneo PIM Фотоконтент сайта

Displays product availability by city

By integrating PIM with Elastic, our developers have made it possible to display information about product availability by city in PIM.

The customer wanted PIM to show the status of the product — in stock or out of stock.

rus: Akeneo PIM Отображения наличия товаров по городам


The Snow Queen is one of our most dynamic clients.

Despite the constant receipt of tasks from the client, our team is able to develop new features and maintain all current integrations in operation.

In just a month of urgently solving the accumulated problems, the site began to break records every week in terms of: the number of pages viewed and the number of orders per day!

+ 39.9% — conversion has increased

+ 67.6% — profits increased

+ 57.8% — the number of purchases has increased

+ 3% — increase in the average check

About our work

“After several years of joint and fruitful work, I would like to thank my colleagues from Together we have come a long way, solved thousands of problems, survived 3 Black Fridays, developed and successfully launched several major projects with an estimate of more than 2,000 man-hours. Both I and the company's management are happy with the joint work. I believe in further fruitful cooperation. I wish prosperity and professional growth to all the guys from”

Roman Radovich,
“The Snow Queen” Internet Project Manager

Before CT, there was another contractor — a major well-known integrator — and every change was expensive and painful. We thought about giving up Magento altogether! took on a huge amount of work. Great team!”

Sergey Gorbunov,
Sales Director of the Snow Queen chain

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