Development of custom Akeneo PIM modules for delivery services

Development of custom Akeneo PIM modules for delivery services

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A popular home delivery service for groceries and household goods, operating throughout Moscow and the Moscow Region.


The client lacked the standard Akeneo PIM functionality. The customer wanted to reduce the burden on managers. To do this, it was necessary to automate the generation of unique product IDs and add custom fields to the settings.


Module development:

  • adding attributes to categories;
  • automatic generation of a unique ID;
  • composite attributes.

Module for adding attributes to categories

As a standard, Akeneo PIM allows you to set attributes only for products (for example, size or color). The client wanted to expand the categories and add top-level attributes to them to make it easier to manage product groups.

We have developed a module for adding attributes to categories. Akeneo PIM now has the ability to upload images, write descriptions, and use other custom fields.

A module for automatically generating a unique ID

In Akeneo PIM, product IDs are manually assigned. Due to the large flow of goods, the client wanted to simplify this functionality.

Our developers have created a module for automatically generating a unique ID. Now, when a new item is added to Akeneo PIM, it is automatically assigned a unique ID.

Composite attributes module

Another non-standard Akeneo PIM solution that the client wanted was to develop a module for composite attributes (i.e. attributes that themselves consist of other attributes). Now, when creating an attribute, it is possible to specify in the template which attributes should be used for this category, which helps when creating texts for bots, product cards, etc.

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