We integrated the Brandquad PIM system into the infrastructure of a multi-brand company and set up uploading to sales channels in four weeks

We integrated the Brandquad PIM system into the infrastructure of a multi-brand company and set up uploading to sales channels in four weeks

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Transatlantic is an international manufacturer and supplier of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, food, and household chemicals. The company's portfolio includes Himalaya, Swiss Image, SAVOURSMITHS, Chirton brands, etc. The company has expertise in bringing foreign brands, in particular pharmaceutical brands, to the Russian and CIS markets.

Objective: To ensure the consistency of product information on all sales channels

By mid-2023, Transatlantic's product range included more than 500 SKUs, which were sold through its own online stores, marketplaces, and retailers. The company's strategy involves expanding its product range to 1,200 SKUs during the year. All product information, as well as media files (photos, videos, certificates) were stored distributed in several systems. This made it difficult to maintain the consistency of information across sales channels.

At the beginning of 2023, the company decided to integrate a tool for storing the “golden record” of product information — the PIM system.

When choosing a specific solution, Transatlantic relied on several key requirements:

  • non-technical personnel were to work with the system, so the interface should be as simple and understandable as possible;
  • system support should be possible without involving an IT team;
  • The PIM system should ensure that product information is uploaded to dozens of sales channels.

Based on these requirements, the KT.team proposed to integrate the Brandquad no-code PIM system.

Solution: integrated and configured Brandquad in less than a month

Outcome 1: Transatlantic managers don't have to re-collect information for transfer to a new sales channel

The Brandquad PIM system has become a single place to store all information about Transatlantic products. The developed product cards contain all the information necessary for transmission to sales channels: description, physical parameters (length, width, weight), number of units per package, current photos, valid certificates, etc.

Previously, when connecting a new sales channel, you had to re-collect all product information from several sources, but with Brandquad, the process was simplified. It is enough to select goods for unloading and generate a file with all relevant and verified information for transfer to partners.

Result 2: The PIM system scales with the business

Transatlantic contacted KT.team, already developing a strategy to more than double its product range during the year. That's why we've chosen a PIM system that can be easily scaled as the number of SKUs grows. The increase in the base will not require additional development or integrations.

Result 3: it's easy for non-technical employees to work in the Brandquad interface

The Brandquad PIM system interface is simple and intuitive, and it is also implemented in Russian. This is important for a company whose majority of employees are Russian-speaking. Sections, functions, and attributes have clear and easy to interpret names — this allows users to make fewer mistakes and quickly understand a new system.

Result 4: Consistent information about Transatlantic products across all sales channels

Brandquad allows you to automatically upload product data to sales channel information systems — systems of retailers, marketplaces, and wholesalers. The system allows the catalog to be uploaded in CSV, XLSX, XML formats or directly uploaded to recipient systems.

In the project for Transatlantic, we implemented the first option. Information about product updates is downloaded from Brandquad in XLSX format, and for transfer to Wildberries and OZON cards, we have configured mapping between fields in the database and fields on marketplaces so as to exclude manual work with product cards. Now information about new products or updated data about products from the current range is uploaded to sales channels in a few clicks.

For other sales channels (Transatlantic has more than 10 of them), you can create uploads based on ready-made models. You don't even need to involve IT specialists to set up.

The entire amount of work took four weeks.

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